Christoph Korn / media works
erwarten (2013) | awaiting

"Awaiting" was an invitation to all interested people to look at the sky through the large window of the art center at sunrise.
The invitation took place at "Institute for Sculptural Periphery", Duesseldorf, 14. September 2013, from 5:11 am - 7am. Within the scope of the exhibition "Vom Himmel hinter den Lidern”(Of the Heaven behind the Eyelids), together with Peter Ewig, curated by Julia Kroepelin
“...Den Juden wurde die Zukunft aber darum doch nicht zur homogenen und leeren Zeit. Denn in ihr war jede Sekunde die kleine Pforte, durch die der Messias treten konnte. (Walter Benjamin)
"...For that reason the future did not, however, turn into a homogenous and empty time for the Jews. For in it every second was the narrow gate, through which the Messiah could enter." (Walter Benjamin)